multichannel$50803$ - перевод на голландский
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multichannel$50803$ - перевод на голландский

Multichannel Marketing; Cross channel (marketing); Multichannel campaign

adj. Heeft veel kanalen (zenders)


¦ adjective employing or possessing many communication or television channels.


Multichannel marketing

Multichannel marketing is the blending of different distribution and promotional channels for the purpose of marketing. Distribution channels include a retail storefront, a website, or a mail-order catalogue.

Multichannel marketing is about choice. The objective of the companies doing the marketing is to make it easy for a consumer to buy from them in whatever way is most appropriate.

To be effective, multichannel marketing needs to be supported by good supply chain management systems, so that the details and prices of goods on offer are consistent across the different channels. It might also be supported by detailed analysis of the return on investment from each different channel, measured in terms of customer response and conversion of sales. The contribution each channel delivers to sales can be assessed via Marketing Mix Modeling or via attribution modelling. Some companies target certain channels at different demographic segments of the market or at different socio-economic groups of consumers.

Multichannel marketing allows the retail merchant to reach its prospective or current customer in a channel of his/ her liking.